UK Salary Increases for 2024: What to Expect for Employee Pay in the Coming Year

In the UK, the average salary for full-time employees is £39,966. Each year, many companies boost their employees’ salaries, and last year, the average pay rise was about 5-6%. Workers are hopeful for a nice salary bump this year as well. In this article, we’ll explore what to expect for salary increases in the UK Salary Increases for 2024 employees might earn.

UK Salary Increases for 2024

Employees typically receive an annual raise based on their performance over the past year. With 2024 now upon us, it’s that time again when UK employees are eagerly anticipating their performance reviews, hoping for salary increases and promotions. In 2023, employees saw a pay rise of about 5-6%, and this year, many are hoping for a similar or even better increase in their salaries.

UK employees can look forward to an average salary increase of 4.4% this year. However, this is lower than last year’s raise. The smaller increase reflects the current economic situation, which is influenced by the job market and overall economic conditions.

Key Highlights of the 2024 UK Salary Increases

  • Year: 2024
  • Category: Finance
  • Last Year’s Salary Increase Rate (2023): 5.1%
  • Current Year’s Estimated Salary Increase: 4.4%

How Much Does the Average Person in the United Kingdom Make?

In the UK, the average annual salary for employees is about £33,402. However, this figure is expected to drop to around £31,447 in 2021. For full-time workers, the typical salary is about £33,000, compared to £31,285 in 2021. A person’s income can vary based on several factors, including their industry and job position.

A person’s income usually depends on their job and their skills and knowledge. What you earn is often based on what you do and how well you do it.

Projected Salary Growth in the UK for 2024

Each year, employees across various sectors see their salaries go up based on their performance over the past year. This boost motivates them to work harder and contribute more to their jobs.

As we step into 2024, employees in the UK are looking forward to the new salary increases. This year, workers can expect an average raise of around 4-5%. While this is a bit lower than last year’s average increase of about 5.1%, it still provides a good incentive for employees to keep up their efforts.

UK Salary Increase Estimator

If you’re a UK employee and want to find out about your UK Salary Increases for 2024, you can use a UK Salary Increase Calculator to get an estimate. To figure out the percentage increase, just divide the amount of the increase by your original salary, then multiply by 100. For instance, if your salary goes up from £50,000 to £54,230, you’d calculate it like this: (£54,230 – £50,000) ÷ £50,000 × 100 = 8.46%.

2024 UK Pay Increase Forecast: What to Expect

In April 2023, the median gross annual salary for full-time employees in the UK was £34,963. This is up from £33,061 in 2022, reflecting an increase of about 5.8%. Looking ahead to 2024, many financial experts predict a salary boost of around 4.4%. However, these forecasts are based on estimates, so the actual increase could vary.

Key Factors Affecting Your Annual Salary Budget

Each year, companies create a salary budget, setting aside a specific amount to increase the pay for eligible employees. However, several factors can impact this budget. To understand these influences, a survey was carried out with around 3,142 organizations in the UK.

  • Inflation Impact: Around 71% of employers in the UK say that inflation is putting a big strain on their salary budgets.
  • Tighter Job Market: About 54% of UK employers feel that the tight job market is also affecting how much they can spend on salaries.
  • Employee Expectations: Around 27% of employers think that the expectations of their workers play a role in salary increases.
  • Recession Concerns: 23% of UK employees believe that worries about a recession and weaker financial results are affecting salary budgets.
  • Cost Management Issues: 20% of UK employers think that managing costs is another factor impacting how much they can allocate for salaries.

Key Service Sectors in the UK

Different sectors in a country help generate money and boost its financial growth. People work in these areas based on their skills and knowledge, contributing to the overall average salary. These are a few of the major industries:

  • Finance: This sector handles money management and investment.
  • Public Services: Includes jobs related to government and community services.
  • Retail: Involves selling goods and services directly to consumers.
  • Business Administration: Focuses on managing and organizing business operations.

These sectors play a crucial role in shaping the country’s economy and creating opportunities for its citizens.

How to Maximize Your Annual Pay Raise

To boost annual income, consider the following steps:

  1. Regular Feedback: Employers should give employees consistent feedback on their performance. This helps employees understand their progress and stay on track for pay raises.
  2. Non-Monetary Recognition: Run recognition programs like “Employee of the Month” or offer flexible work options. These initiatives can boost job satisfaction and motivate employees.
  3. Transparent Communication: Open communication about pay and company policies builds trust. When employees feel informed, they’re more likely to see good pay raises.
  4. Competitive Salary Structure: Compare your salary offerings with competitors. This helps ensure that your pay rates are competitive and makes it easier to make necessary improvements.
  5. Employee Surveys: Conduct regular surveys to gather employee feedback and act on it. This shows that you value their opinions and can lead to more effective changes.
  6. Link Pay Increases to Performance: Tie pay raises to performance evaluations. This encourages employees to improve their work quality and show visible contributions.
  7. Fair and Transparent Policies: Keep pay raise policies clear and fair. When employees understand how raises are determined, they’re more likely to be satisfied with their compensation.


As we navigate 2024, UK employees can anticipate a moderate salary increase, averaging around 4.4%. While this represents a slight decrease from last year’s 5.1%, it reflects the broader economic climate and various influencing factors such as inflation and a tight job market.

For those eager to maximize their salary growth, focusing on performance, seeking regular feedback, and understanding the competitive salary landscape will be essential. Despite the challenges, the projected raises continue to offer encouragement for employees to strive for excellence and contribute positively to their workplaces.


1. What is the average salary increase for UK employees in 2024?

In 2024, UK employees can expect an average salary increase of around 4.4%. This is slightly lower than last year’s increase of about 5.1%.

2. How does inflation affect salary increases in the UK?

Inflation significantly impacts salary budgets. About 71% of employers report that inflation is putting pressure on their ability to increase salaries.

3. What factors influence the salary budget for companies in the UK?

Several factors affect the salary budget, including inflation, a tight job market, employee expectations, recession concerns, and cost management issues.

4. How can employees maximize their annual pay raise?

Employees can maximize their pay raises by seeking regular feedback, participating in non-monetary recognition programs, ensuring transparent communication, and linking pay increases to performance evaluations.

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