Subaru Battery Settlement 2024: Class Action Lawsuit Payment News, Eligibility, Payment Date, Amount

Details about the Subaru Battery Settlement 2024: Class Action Lawsuit Payment News, Eligibility, Payment Date, and Amount are critical for all individuals. The ability to drive a vehicle is crucial for personal mobility, especially in emergencies. However, many customers were unaware that their favorite Subaru vehicles had battery issues. As a result, numerous customers eagerly await the Subaru Battery Settlement. After filing their case some time ago, they are now anxious to receive their compensation as soon as possible.

Subaru Battery Settlement 2024

The advent of electric vehicles promised convenient travel for individuals, offering mobility wherever needed. However, the crucial element ensuring this convenience is the battery. Unfortunately, Subaru vehicles faced a significant battery issue that jeopardized the safety and well-being of several customers. The company’s failure to provide reliable batteries resulted in accidents and other serious concerns among its customers.

The settlement amount for this case totals approximately $4.1 million, which is earmarked for those who have been affected. Following widespread concerns among customers, a collective lawsuit was filed against Subaru. The Federal Court presided over the case and determined that the company should provide compensation to the claimants as part of the settlement.


The company has established specific criteria to ensure that only eligible claimants receive the settlement amount. Eligibility is limited to individuals who are permanent residents of the country and can provide proof of residency. Those who have experienced battery failures with their Subaru vehicles are eligible to apply for the settlement. Documentation such as a vehicle purchase receipt or bill is required as evidence.

Claimants must have been residents of the United States for a specified period and have paid taxes. They need to submit documents including purchase receipts, warranty cards, identification cards, and any other relevant paperwork. Claimants are also required to complete the settlement form accurately to facilitate processing of their claims.

Class Action Lawsuit Payment News

The battery is a crucial component of electric vehicles, essential for their proper functioning. Subaru faced challenges in ensuring their vehicles’ batteries performed effectively. As a response, Subaru has offered extended warranty services to customers who encountered issues. Following the settlement, all affected vehicles’ batteries will be replaced.

Some individuals experienced health issues or accidents, leading to disability, for which they have applied for Disability Benefits in the USA. These benefits include SSI (Supplemental Security Income) and SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance), providing monthly payments to eligible citizens.

Legal action has already been taken against Subaru for the issues customers faced. The settlement amount will soon be disbursed to the claimants’ accounts. Stay updated with the latest information on the leading portal.

Payment Date

Subaru Corporation, a prominent brand in the US, leads in providing electric vehicles that meet diverse customer needs. While the company emphasizes their vehicles are designed without issues, customer applications have prompted significant payouts to claimants.

The extent of customer losses is multifaceted. Initially, there’s the financial impact of purchasing the electric vehicles. Secondly, accidents resulting from battery failures have incurred medical expenses for many. Additionally, those who financed their vehicles are burdened with loan repayments, necessitating settlement funds.

Following the lawsuit’s conclusion, payments will be disbursed on staggered dates. Claimants must possess a warranty card and provide photos of their vehicles with the faulty battery system to qualify. For the latest updates, beneficiaries can visit, where they can check their application status and monitor payment processing into their bank accounts.

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